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VisiRex Developer's Kit
"Visual Rule Extraction"

*** Royalty Free Source Code Included ***

The VisiRex Software Developers' Kit is available FREE to customers who register up to level 8.


VREExport.exe: This program exports the rule tree from a VisiRex Project. It prompts for a VisiRex Project (.vrp) and creates a .tre file which is used throughout the SDK.

TreeFunction.exe: This program creates a VBA function from a .tre file. It generates code consisting of nested IF's to make a prediction on the data passed into the function in a variant array. The final VBA function does not require any data file - the tree values are hard-coded into the function.

LivePredictions.exe: This program provides the same functionality as the LivePredictions view in VisiRex. A VisiRex Project (.vrp) is opened from the menu (File-Open) and interactive predictions are made using VisiRex's latest tree extraction. LivePredictions is fully redistributable (royalty free) using a convenient setup program. The setup program (LiveSetup.exe) contains the LivePredictions executable as well as the runtime it needs. (VB5/Jet/DAO3.5) If you distribute the program, remember to include the .vrp files.

Note: VREExport and TreeFunction were meant to run with VisiRex installed.


VRESdk.mdb: An MS Access database containing 150 rows of sample data for breast cancer and heart disease. There is a prediction form and report for each sample using a pre-made .tre file. All the VBA code used to make the predictions is visible in this database.

VRESdk.xls: A MS Excel spreadsheet containing 20 rows of sample data for Census and Heart disease. The prediction function takes a range of cells and returns a string containing the class. All the VBA code used to make the predictions is visible in this workbook.

Note: These examples require the .tre files. You are free to copy or modify this source code.

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